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Bize Ulaşın
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Customer Service and Product Inquiries:
1-800-879-3477 Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. EST
Pfizer Inc.
235 East 42nd Street
New York NY 10017 USA
SSN Protection Policy
In the ordinary course of business, sometimes we have to collect your Social Security number to fulfill legal or regulatory obligations, or for other administrative purposes. It is our policy to avoid the unnecessary collection of Social Security numbers. We limit access to your Social Security number in order to protect tyour privacy and to prohibit the unlawful disclosure of your Social Security number.
Keeping Our Systems Secure
We take cybersecurity seriously, and value the contributions of the security community at large. The responsible disclosure of potential issues helps us to ensure the security and privacy of our customers and data. If you believe you have found a security issue in one of our products or services, please let us know through our Responsible Disclosure Policy.